Yoga for Cervical Pain

A systematic rehabilitation plan which is specifically designed to address all Neck & Cervical related issues.

We understand that each individual's needs are unique, and that's why our yoga therapy for neck pain is personalised to suit your requirements. Whether you're experiencing acute or chronic neck pain, our safe and natural approach can help you find comfort and relaxation. Take the first step towards a pain-free neck and a more active lifestyle. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you regain control over your life by managing and overcoming cervical pain.

A yogic technique, which has been carefully designed incorporating Pranayama and soft, gentle stretches to improve mobility. No complicated Yogasanas are required. Join us for our specialised neck pain yoga therapy and experience the transformative power of yoga.

Key Benefits:

  • Significant reduction in stiffness in the neck area from the very first session

  • Helps you relieve stress which is one of the major reasons behind Cervical issues.

  • Improves overall fitness and mental health

Cost per month: ₹3500 | $50 | £40

To enrol in the program, please fill the form below and use the buttons to pay in the currency of your country.




Fat-loss & Hybrid Yoga