Beginners Courses
A Beginners Course in Yoga is for the people who want to get started in their journey of Yoga.
These sessions provide a systematic introduction to yoga for beginners of all age groups. Special beginner's courses are available for various segments, including Gentle, Kids, Teens, Pre/post-natal yoga, etc. These courses establish a strong foundation for a rewarding and enriching yoga experience. They are suitable for individuals with no prior exposure to yoga as well as those already practicing, seeking to delve into the intricacies of this remarkable science of holistic health. This comprehensive structure will assist you in taking the initial steps towards integrating yoga into your daily life seamlessly.
Cost: ₹3500 | $50 | £40
The Advance Course in Yoga is suitable for those interested to hone their yoga skills through learning advance Asanas & variations
The advance Asana learning & practice sessions are well structured to increase stamina, strength and flexibility. Having a basic understanding of the tenets of Yoga with minimum 3 months regular practice is a pre-requisite to join the Advance Course.
Cost: ₹3500 | $50 | £40
To know about other beginners courses (Gentle, Kids, Pranayama etc.), please go to the menu above and navigate under ‘Classes’.
Details of the Courses
a) Weekday Course
6 Learning Sessions of 90-minute duration each (Mon to Sat) taught live over the Zoom App by a senior YV teacher & supported by experienced demonstrators. It is followed by a 2-week practice on weekdays in participant’s chosen time slot, again under live guidance & instructions by experienced YV teachers, supported by demonstrators over the Zoom App.
b) Weekend Course
6 Learning Sessions of 90-minute duration each (spread over 3 weekends) taught live over the Zoom App by a senior YV teacher & supported by experienced demonstrators. It is followed by a 2-week practice on weekdays in participant’s chosen time slot, again under live guidance & instructions by experienced YV teachers, supported by demonstrators over the Zoom App.
What we teach in the Beginners Course:
Basic Principles of Yoga
Surya Namaskara
12 classical Yogasanas
Correct techniques to harness Pranic energy through Kapalabhati & Pranayama
Physical & psychic benefits
Precautions & Contraindications
Relevance & co-relation of Yoga practices with Anatomy & Physiology
What we teach in the Advance Course:
Structured according to existing skills/practice of the participants