*Studies demonstrated a significant effect on cardio-respiratory functions, in patients with bronchial asthma, with the improvement of pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory function measurements.
*Int J Yoga. 2020 May-Aug; 13(2): 99–110
Pranayama is the foundation for Meditation. It is an awareness & experience of the life principle that works as a bridge between the gross and the subtle. Through its regular practice, you can sync with the natural rhythm of life and achieve holistic health.
By learning and practicing Pranayama, you can accentuate the benefits of your regular Yoga practice through optimisation of breathing - the most vital function in the body ...and importantly, you will,
improve your heart rate, vital capacity & blood pressure
effectively reduce perceived stress scale through body, breath & mind synchronisation
enhance brain function, intuition, mindful existence & relaxation
build a strong foundation for a sustained meditation practice
Pranayama Options
1. Pranayama Progression Level-1 & 2 Weekdays (Tue - Sat)
These classes are progressive learning and practice, conducted by experienced Yoga Vedanta teachers having a specialised study of the discipline. The participants are started with the basics of breathing and gradually taken up progressively with practice to the level of breath control.
Timings: 06:30 - 07:15 hrs IST* Tuesday - Saturday (45- minute learning & practice in every session. The teacher regularly monitors every participant individually to assess the level)
Monthly Cost (Payment links at the end of the page)
₹3000 | $40 | £30 : Weekdays (Mon-Fri)
Quarterly Discounted Cost (Request for discounted payment link at +91 9205375001)
₹8000 | $100 | £80 : Weekdays (Mon-Fri)
2. Pranayama Progression Level-1 & 2 Weekends (Sat - Sun)
Those having gone through level-1 can join this program to take their practice of breath control into an awareness of Prana and it’s flow through the energy channels (Nadis) in the body. This is also a transitionary level for the practice of Meditation.
Timings: 11:00 - 11:45 hrs IST** Saturday - Sunday (45- minute learning & practice in every session. This course is specifically designed for the people who are busy on weekdays. The teacher regularly monitors every participant individually to assess the level. Small self-practice goals are assigned with guidance to the participants for the weekdays.
Monthly Cost (Payment links at the end of the page)
₹2000 | $25 | £20
Quarterly Discounted Cost (Request for discounted payment link at +91 9205375001)
₹5500 | $70 | £55
Each of these programs is 3-month learning and practice. Participants are advised to attend these programs with utmost regularity to learn this amazing science systematically and enjoy its benefits.
(India timings are aligned with daylight saving change in USA* and UK**)
3. Pranayama Regular Classes
These classes are for regular practice of what one has learnt. These classes ensure to enhance one’s experience in this discipline of yoga.
Timings: 07:40 - 08:25 hrs IST* Tuesday - Saturday (45- minute practice in every session. The teacher monitors every participant individually)
Monthly Cost (Payment links at the end of the page)
₹2500 | $30 | £25
Quarterly Discounted Cost (Request for discounted payment link at +91 9205375001)
₹6500 | $85 | £70
(India timings are aligned with daylight saving change in USA* and UK**)