Yoga for the body, mind & soul!
Yoga for PCOS
Regular mindful yoga practice along with Pranayama is an effective therapeutic option to effectively tuning into your body and balancing those hormones.
Meditation Workshop
An ancient practice embracing spiritual and personal development, Yoga Vedanta has designed a Meditation Workshop that helps you focus, and teaches you spirituality, mindfulness and better your physiological and emotional health.
Yoga for Kids
Yoga is beneficial for kids in its own way, maintaining mind-body balance, concentration, self confidence and control. Yoga Vedanta is launching a Yoga for Kids program, for your kids to grow everyday.
Yoga for Fat Loss
Yoga, combined with healthy eating helps you to not only lose weight but also keep your mind and body healthy, builds body flexibility, muscle toning and concentration.Yoga Vedanta is offering Yoga for Fat Loss, which has got it all covered for you.
Yoga for Cervical
Sedentary lifestyle and hunching over a screen for a long time, people are more prone to cervical pain. Yoga Vedanta is offering Yoga for Cervical workshop, helping you to get over your neck and back pain.
The Values that guide us
Yoga for the body, mind and soul. Not one can exist or be understood without the reference of the whole.